Outsourcing is in.
Multi-tasking is out.
Do you remember when it was cool to be able to do lots of things at once? When you were thought of as extremly productive if you could send an email and have a conversation at the same time? Madness. The reality is, initially it seemed like these expert multitaskers were getting lots done. And they may have been. But over a period of time huge issues began to arise because of the multitasking ‘trend’.
Higher Quantity. Lower Quality.
If you really think about it, to give one task everything you have and to complete it 'perfectly’, it needs your full attention. We all pretend we are watching Netflix whilst scrolling. But reality, we don’t know what how Griselda was finally caught, because we were too busy looking at our school friends holiday pictures on instagram. It’s false economy. You might be ‘completing’ lots of tasks, but not your highest standard.
Burn Out.
Thinking we can do it all, inevitably causes burnout. not in everyone, but in the masses. Initially, you might be able to do everything in your job description and have a small bit of time for some extra tasks, but eventually, if you keep pushing yourself, and squeezing extra in, you will reach your limit. Become exhausted….we all know where this path leads.
But I need my Team to multitask
Of course you do. I am not saying everyone should only ever focus on one thing at a time. You can wait tables, and manage the floor if needed. You can show someone to their table and clear one on the way. However, what we need to stop doing is multitasking on huge tasks. Those that can really impact our service, business and bottom line.
What’s the solution?
Nope. It’s not hire more people. Of course there’s a fantasy world where we have enough staff to do everything, one task at a time but it’s not a reality. You don’t extra team members all year around. Perhaps at busier times of the year, if you have a new opening, have taken on more clients. Outsourcing is the solution. Utilising organisations who will provide you support as and when you need it can really provide your business with the resources you need at the times you need them. Anything from data entry, tech implementation, marketing….you get the picture can be outsourced. Use these facilities when you can.
But it’s expensive.
It’s not. If you look at the cost of employing a full time Marketing Manager when you only realistically need them full time for part of the year and part time for the rest, it will actually be more cost effective to outsource. Take account, the commitment of salary, employment costs, career development, support….these are all hidden costs that we don’t always consider.
DAMA can provide adhoc recruitment support to you and your teams when you need it. If you have a busy period, a new outlet opening, you’ve won a new contract. You don’t need to be paying £40,000 per year for a full time recruiter, when you only need them for a month 4 times a year. That’s where DAMA can step in and support you. Oh, and there’s no % fees. Contact Victoria today to learn more.